Sunday, June 30, 2013

Say Hi in a Letter

We'd love to get mail while we're home away from home and if we're not too crazy we'll even try to send a postcard home.  Here's how to reach us!

First Name, Last Name
Jamboree Troop #A343
2013 National Jamboree
92 SBR 2
Mount Hope, WV 25888

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Reason to be Hungry!

Thank goodness for a new improved way to pick up our meals!  The boxes look easy to tote around and even include the The Summit Grace.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

An Arial View of the Jamboree

Check out this awesome map of the Jamboree.  The original can be found in your Boys' Life Magazine!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Special Edition Order of the Arrow Jamboree Patch Sets

Participant patch set (gold border)  includes lodge flap
and pocket patch.
Wenasa Quenhotan #23 is offering a two special edition 2013 National Scout Jamboree Lodge Flap/Patch Sets for just $5.00 per set (includes flap and pocket patch). Both are pictured here. The set with the gold border is for participants who are OA members to wear on their class A uniform; the one with the blue border is a “trader” patch set.

Trader  patch set (blue border)  includes lodge flap
and pocket patch.
The patches depict three rivers flowing into one, symbolizing the formation of WQ23 40 years ago from three different lodges, and the WWW of cheerful service and brotherhood. The three rivers flow into one, representing the excitement and adventure of the New River Gorge at The Summit in West Virginia. The river is spanned by the New River Gorge Bridge, and the silhouettes of Scouts in action represent just some of the activities at the National Jamboree.

Both patch sets are being ordered in limited quantities, so place your order now to receive your patches before Jamboree. Get some extras for trading with OA brothers from all over the country!

To order: Email your name, home unit number, Jamboree unit number, phone number, email and quantity of each patch design to Dan Gray at
Subject line: Order Jamboree Patches (Scout Name).

Mail checks payable to W.D. Boyce Council to Dan Gray, 1807 Gaylord Ave., Peoria, 61614. Orders MUST be received by July 8 and full payment made in order to be filled before departure on July 14.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bargains to be had

With the Jamboree just 26 days away there is still time to receive free shipping on orders from the Jamboree Catalog.  Don't forget to pick up your duffle bag, day pack and any patch orders from the office!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Less than a month!

There is now less than a month untill we depart for the 2013 Jamboree. Pack your bags and get ready because its going to be an amazing experience! Read the monthly newsletters to stay informed on what's going on and stay tuned for more as we get closer to the 2013 National Scout Jamboree.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh Boy! New Mandatory Paperwork for Everyone!

A new piece of paperwork had been handed down to us from National:  "The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve 2013 National Scout Jamboree Medical Consent Acknowledgement Consolidated Form." Whew! Luck for you, a copy is attached so you don't have to ask for it. You should review this form carefully, fill in your name and a parent or guardian to sign where indicated. Then bring this form with you when you visit either the Peoria or Bloomington office to pick up your Jamboree gear after June 15

We MUST get this form from everyone before we leave, both Scouts and adult leaders, and turn them in during the check-in process at The Summit.