Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just ate dinner. Tortellini and meatballs... YUM! 1 more hour of the jamboree training weekend!
Frisbee in the freetime!

Setting up cotts like jamboree!

We're up nice and early ready for another exciting day of jambo training!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The training weekend is going well! Patrols are getting aquatinted while indulging on skittles.
Just under an hour untill the jamboree training weekend begins!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mandatory Jamboree Participant Training…BE THERE!
This weekend, March 22-23, mandatory training for Jambo Troop A343 and Crew F404 at the Eureka United Methodist Church, 208 N. Callender Street in Eureka.

Arrive at 6:30 p.m. on Friday. There will be a brief parent’s meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday to answer any questions that have arisen since the February meeting, and things should be wrapped up by 6:30 p.m.

What’s on the Agenda?
These training sessions will be designed to strengthen your bonds as a patrol and as a troop, to provide training on everything from Youth Protection and how to pack your Jamboree duffle, to tent set up, getting around The Summit site, campsite sanitation, first aid, and more. We are also scheduled to conduct swim tests for all participants at Eureka College, so you will be able to swim, scuba, canoe, kayak, and do other aquatic activities. Make sure you are prepared for the swim test.
Everything about the trip to and from The Summit, and everything about the program is different from any Jamboree before. It is critical that you make time in your schedule to be at your assigned training event. Any conflicts for either weekend should be cleared with your Jamboree Scoutmaster.

What to Bring to Training
Consult the W. D. Boyce Council Jamboree Equipment List and bring as many of the items on the list as possible. Carry it in a large duffle bag and daypack (like the ones you will be issued). At the very least, you should bring:

·       Sleeping bag or blankets
·       Sleeping pad and/or cot
·       Water bottle
·       Mess kit
·       Swim suit
·       Towel (for pool)
·       Warm coat and rain gear (we will walk to the pool)
·       Personal care items
·       Notebook and pen/pencil
·       Class A uniform (including shorts/pants, socks, and belt)
·       Class B Scouting t-shirt(s)

There are no shower facilities at the church so we will not be taking showers. Separate sleeping areas will be arranged for male Scouts and female Venturers, and male and female adult staff.

See you there!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The March issue of the Jamboree Journal is now on the Council Jamboree website. It includes details about the training weekends, what to bring, ordering patches, a new equipment list (updated) and more. Check it out at